I think we were all shocked beyond disbelief when earlier this year a 28-year old woman died of water intoxication after entering a radio station's Hold Your Wee for a Wii contest. Jennifer Strange was one of eighteen participants who tried to win a Wii by drinking more than two liters of water without going to the bathroom. It's no surprise that this story was voted as the most shocking tech news story of 2007. I've heard many stories about people going to great lengths to get a Wii, but I'd have to say this one was far too extreme and dangerous for my liking.
понедельник, 31 декабря 2007 г.
The Most Shocking Tech News Story of 2007 Was. . .
Thecus N3200 RAID 5 Security For the Masses
Contributing Writer, RealTechNews
It looks like a nice retro design but Paul Moons says: Thecus is renowned for their high quality Network Attached Storage (NAS) boxes and with the release of the N3200 Thecus looks to have outdone itself.
Not only does the N3200 boast high data security and strong performance figures, but with its [...]
воскресенье, 30 декабря 2007 г.
The Results Are in: Your Favorite Video Game of 2007 Was. . .
After tallying the votes, the favorite video game of 2007 was Wii Sports, which received a total of 114 votes. Considering the Wii was one of the hottest gaming consoles on the market since 2006, it's no surprise that Wii Sports has risen to greatness this year. With tennis, baseball, golf, bowling and boxing, Wii Sports is a great collection of games that are interactive, fun, and perfect for all ages. Source
Happy Holidays, and Jingle Bells to You: Graphics Card-Style
Executive Editor, RealTechNews
Happy holidays to all. This, after all, a technology site, and despite the fact this is on YouTube, and you may have seen this already, I would be totally remiss if I did not let our readers see it here.
Also, it’s gonna be a slow news day! Thanks to [...]
суббота, 29 декабря 2007 г.
Website of the Day: Passive Aggressive Notes
Despite the holiday cheer and goodwill that's still emanating throughout the world, we all have our passive-aggressive moments. We can't help it really. It's a natural, if not necessary, defense mechanism to deal with all the unthoughtful people or awkward situations in our lives. So how do we deal with all that passive aggression?
nannychica recently blogged about Passive Aggressive Notes, a site that features a collection of funny notes from roommates, family members, and even strangers. As someone who constantly battles the smell of microwaved food coming from the kitchen unsure of how to react, the site gave me a real kick. It reminds me of a cross between the "Blog" of "Unnecessary" Quotation Marks and Post Secret.
To learn how to post your favorite websites to our Website of the Day group,
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PlayStation Emulator for iPhone, iPod Released
By Michael Santo
Executive Editor, RealTechNews
Previously only available as a private beta to donators, a PlayStation 1 emulator for the iPhone and iPod has been released to the public. The version is 0.1.0 so it’s obviously far from done, but psx4iPhone is available now.
The developer, ZodTTD, indicates that although there will be public releases to [...]
пятница, 28 декабря 2007 г.
Kid Receives the Worst Surprise Christmas Morning
Just when you think you've hit the jackpot and Santa finally pulled through this year by getting you your Playstation 3, you rip open the box to find a boring phone book, without a gaming console in sight.
This exact situation happened to a kid in Thousand Oaks, California where his PS3 was switched with a heavy phone book.
According to Engadget, the PS3 wasn't purchased on eBay or second-hand, but rather at the local EB Games, which makes this story even more shocking. The parents are just as stunned as their son and are trying to track down their PS3 as we speak. Talk about the worst Christmas ever! Let's just hope this hasn't happened to anyone else!
Is “Fake Steve” in Trouble with the Real Steve Jobs?
Executive Editor, RealTechNews
When I wrote about the closure of Think Secret, I wondered what the next rumor site that Big Brother, I mean Apple, would target was. I certainly didn’t think they would go after Fake Steve, or Daniel Lyons, and his “Secret Diary of Steve Jobs” satire blog. And honestly, [...]
четверг, 27 декабря 2007 г.
Is Apple Introducing an Inexpensive Laptop at Macworld?
The rumors are still swirling, but I think it's safe to say that Apple will be revealing a ultra-portable laptop at Macworld this January. According to CrunchGear, these new sub-notebooks will be super affordable while The Boy Genius Report claims that they will go on sale a week after Macworld. I doubt that it will give the OLPC XO laptop a run for its money, as it will most likely be priced around the $1000 mark. . .Which may be a good thing since it will boast more features and functions then the basic $100 laptop. Stay tuned for further revelations in this story. Source
среда, 26 декабря 2007 г.
Antivirus Program Labels Windows Explorer a Virus
Executive Editor, RealTechNews
Linux users might actually agree with this “false positive”. On the other hand Microsoft breathes a sigh of relief, as for once the antivirus software in question is not Windows Live OneCare.
Kaspersky Labs, a smallish but well-respected (in fact, many believe it to be the most effective AV solution) [...]
Nintendo Christmas Ornament: Geek or Chic?
Now that you've got a Snow-Mouse Ornament, a CD Ornament and a Scrolling LED Christmas Ornament, why not add a NES Tree Ornament to the mix?! Unlike the other ornaments that you'll have to take down after Christmas, with this hand-made clay decoration you can also use it as a figurine, pin or refrigerator magnet throughout the entire year. Featured on Nerd Approved, this Nintendo game system ornament can be modified to suit your personal taste for only $15. . . I wonder if I can get mine upgraded to a Wii? What do you think? Geek or chic?
вторник, 25 декабря 2007 г.
Australian UFO Sighted and Captured
Contributing Writer, RealTechNews
Well, it certainly looks like one and almost behaves like any real UFO — except we have identified it.
We are talking about an exciting development at Entecho here in Australia where they are working on the Hoverpod, a manned aerial vehicle that not only can hover but also [...]
The Votes Are in: Your Favorite Unique Camera of 2007 Is. . .
With 72 votes, geeksugar readers selected Nikon's Coolpix Camera as their favorite unique camera of 2007! What's not to like about this camera? With image stabilization, in camera slideshow technology that you can pair with music and a high iso for better pictures in low light, it is certainly a chic high-tech compact camera. The best feature would have to be its built-in wifi that allows access to Nikon's "my Picturetown", making it easy to transfer and upload pics to your computer. No wonder it beat the Lomo cameras in this category!
понедельник, 24 декабря 2007 г.
“Duke Nukem Forever” Rises from the Grave (?)
Executive Editor, RealTechNews
Duke Nukem Forever is one of the quintessential examples of vaporware. In fact, it’s held up as such in that linked Wikipedia article. And you can bet hundreds of times the “Forever” part of the title has been said to mean how long it will be in development. [...]
The Votes Are in: Your Favorite New Google Feature of 2007 Is. . .
Taking the trophy for this year's favorite new Google feature of '07 is iGoogle, a customizable homepage where you can aggregate all your favorite online resources. Google's new and improved iGoogle allows you to add your latest Gmail messages, view headlines from Google News as well as get weather forecasts, stock quotes and movie showtimes—no wonder it received 90 votes! Learn how to personalize your iGoogle page or pimp it with all the latest themes.
воскресенье, 23 декабря 2007 г.
Father Nets $9,000 Selling Pot-Smoking Son’s “Guitar Hero III” Game on eBay
Executive Editor, RealTechNews
What do they say about being naughty at Christmastime? Isaac most likely learned his lesson.
A Canadian dad, k_lid, sold his son’s Guitar Hero III game (for the Nintendo Wii) on eBay for $9,100.01 after catching him smoking pot in the backyard with two of his “delinquent” friends.
The auction goes [...]
Hot Concept: Nonobject Behind the Scenes Camera
I have been following Industrial Designer Branko Lukic, who is working to develop and license products that will be "treasured not because of their specifications, but because they make the owner happy to own it" for about a year and he continues to amaze me. Branko tackles the "Nonobject" principle in his book of the same title and is preoccupied with the "space between you and the object." While it seem esoteric to some, I think the notion points to an exciting, interactive and deeply personal trend in technology. A prime example is this Behind the Scenes Camera, which is intended to record "what you see, what you can control" from the front and "what you don't see and what you don't control" from the back. Here's more:
"Cameras till now have only ever taken images before our very eyes. Rather than accepting this and getting permanently locked into one way of looking at the world – and one way of capturing visual memories through the lens – why not expand our understanding of photography and reveal an augmented view of a given moment? Behind the Scenes Camera is designed to capture what’s going on behind our back, beyond our control, while simultaneously capturing the scene in front of us, the one we control."
Blanko goes on to admit that technologically, this is not revolutionary, but it’s "the idea that’s breakthrough." It's not the type of thing you consider everyday, but I can't help being captivated by the notion and possibility of more personal technology. What do you think of it?
суббота, 22 декабря 2007 г.
CompUSA Clarifies “Going-Out-of-Business” Details
Executive Editor, RealTechNews
As we know, earlier this month CompUSA announced it had sold its assets to restructuring firm Gordon Brothers Group, which will sell or close the remaining 103 stores after the holidays. While it was clear the stores would sell as much merchandise as possible in close-out sales, there were still [...]
Website of the Day: Human Calendar
The creator of the playful Human Calendar site set off to ride his bicycle around the continent of Australia in 2002 and "somewhere in the middle of nowhere" found himself thinking about random things once.
"Whatever day this was, I happened to be thinking about computers and a girl, " he says on the site. "Specifically, about the then-upcoming humanclock.com redesign and Marcia Brady."
What resulted is a collection of "gridded people" and calendars meshed into one. The pictures don't click to anything (except for the creator's backstory), so don't expect revolving faces that pop up — a la the Brady Bunch credits — but it's entertaining nonetheless.
To learn how to post your favorite websites to our Website of the Day group,
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пятница, 21 декабря 2007 г.
Vista Kernel Elevation Vulnerability Could Allow Complete Takeover of Systems
Executive Editor, RealTechNews
The ability of processes to elevate their own privilege level was supposedly impossible in Windows Vista, but Microsoft has acknowledged that there is a vulnerability that could allow processes in both the 32- and 64-bit versions of Windows Vista to elevate their own privilege to administrator level.
A Microsoft security bulletin [...]
Cote et Ciel Laptop Sleeve: Love It or Leave It?
I have a few bags that I absolutely adore but wouldn't classify them as being laptop bags, yet I always manage to squeeze my laptop in them. If you have a bag or two like this, but still want to keep your laptop somewhat protected, these Cote et Ciel laptop sleeves are great. After spotting them on Cool Hunting, it immediately struck me that they are sans zippers and super slim. Made from neoprene, they perfectly fit around your laptop for a snug fit to keep your laptop protected. Either carry them on their own or easily tuck them into a bag. Choose from fun colors like saffron, ocean blue, sunset red, sandshell, black olive, and grape green. Priced at $43 each. What do you think? Do you love them?
четверг, 20 декабря 2007 г.
SLEEPTRACKER Pro Watch Reviewed
Contributing Writer, RealTechNews
Paul Moons from DigitalReviews.net says: The SLEEPTRACKER Pro is the latest iteration of Innovative Sleep Solutions’ SLEEPTRACKER watch.
The SLEEPTRACKER series of watches monitor your sleeping patterns through the night so that they may wake you during one of your natural, “almost awake moments” in your sleep cycle.
Some of our readers may [...]
Gossip Girl Tech Quiz: "Roman Holiday" Episode
Last night's episode of the gadget friendly and glamorous Gossip Girl featured a small collection of chic technology amid the cast's decadent outfits and holiday disasters. Did you catch all the gizmos hidden amid Blair's family drama? Take my quiz and find out!
Photos courtesy of The CW
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среда, 19 декабря 2007 г.
IE Gets “Nag-Less” with “Click to Activate” ActiveX Removal Preview
By Michael Santo
Executive Editor, RealTechNews
As I indicated earlier, with the settlement between Microsoft and Eolas Technology, Microsoft is finally going to be able to remove that “Click to activate and use this control” message you see on some websites with ActiveX controls.
In fact, in early November Microsoft indicated a trial called the “Internet Explorer [...]
Sony Offers $100 For Your Old Television
If you're expecting Santa to grant your wish for a shiny and new TV, you will probably need to get rid of your old set. Thanks to Sony's improved take back recycling program, you can now get $100 for your old TV.
How exactly does this work? According to Gizmodo,
this new offer (unlike the take back program) allows you to recycle any TV and is not exclusive to Sony products—cha ching! The hardest part is taking your TV to a Waste Management eCycling center to redeem your credit. Once you get your coupon, you can use it at Sony Style stores, online at SonyStyle.com and through Sony's phone sales service at 1-877-865-SONY. The coupon offer ends March 15th.
вторник, 18 декабря 2007 г.
Toshiba’s New SCiB Batteries: “Have Charge, Will Not Explode”
Executive Editor, RealTechNews
I’m sure many have not forgotten the Sony laptop battery debacle. Well, Li-ion batteries have that problematic potential of overheating and exploding or catching fire. Toshiba has developed a new design, called SCiB, or Super-Charge ion Battery which should eliminate many of the drawbacks of Li-ion batteries — and [...]
Facebook to Turn Into a Dating Site?
On Thursday, Facebook will be announcing the launch of Little Black Book, a new way for Facebook users to connect with Match.com daters.
According to The New York Times, once people are signed up to this new service, the users of Little Black Book will receive potential matches from Facebook users and non-Facebook users who are signed up with Match.com—try saying that ten times!
Considering the fact that I'm still peeved about Beacon, I'm going to keep my distance from Facebook for awhile. Although it's not too shabby of an idea. . .Stay connected with friends while meeting prospective mates online—badabingbadaboom!
понедельник, 17 декабря 2007 г.
Windows Vista SP1 Release Candidate Goes Public
Executive Editor, RealTechNews
Microsoft’s download servers must be on overload this week. First Office 2007 SP1, then Windows XP SP3 RC1, and now Windows Vista SP1 Release Candidate 1 (RC1) have gone public.
Microsoft was vague this week about when Windows Vista SP1 RC1 would be available, but based on the other two releases [...]
Win a Wii by Playing Celebrity Faceoff!
As huge fans of the Nintendo Wii and knowing it's a hit holiday gift this season, we got our hands on five and are giving away one every day this week. To be eligible to win, all you have to do is play the Celebrity Faceoff game. Even if you love playing but just can't seem to get your name on that leaderboard, then this is your lucky day because to win a Wii you don't have to be just a top scorer! This time around your personal high score will be the amount of times you are entered into the random drawing. Get 85 right - be entered 85 times! Today's winner will even get her Wii in time for the holidays so hurry and get playing now! Check out the official rules here.
воскресенье, 16 декабря 2007 г.
Sansa Clip Small Form Factor Music Player — Reviewed
Contributing Writer, RealTechNews
Read this review by Kevin Cheng.
Introducing a new entrant to the MP3 player market - the tiny stylish Sansa Clip from SanDisk.
The Sansa Clip is an ultra compact design with many features no doubt with the iPod Shuffle clearly in its crosshairs.
SanDisk has kindly provided a unit for a [...]
Animal Webcam Buddies: Love or Leave?
The perfect Christmas gift for tech-savvy kids, these animal webcams are easy to set up and fun to use. Choose from a blue dog or a red dinosaur, although I swear they look more like funky cows! Each USB cam comes with a built-in mic for web chats and can only be used on PCs (sorry Mac fans). Priced at $19. Do you know any kids (or adults for that matter) that would love them?
суббота, 15 декабря 2007 г.
Office 2007 SP1 Now Available for Download
Executive Editor, RealTechNews
As promised, Microsoft has released SP1 for Office 2007 today, available on their Office download site. At the same time, Microsoft has released SP1 for Visio 2007 and Project 2007.
The Office 2007 SP1 link, which was dead until just a few minutes ago, is now live, and is here. [...]
What Was Your Favorite Video Game of 2007?
Mixing in some Wii fun, DS action, and some intense XBox adventure, I put together what I consider to be the cream of the crop for video games of 2007! Which one was your fave?
пятница, 14 декабря 2007 г.
For Upgraders, Asus Upgrades the Eee Warranty
Executive Editor, RealTechNews
Typically, manufacturers overcharge for memory, and many do-it-yourselfers will upgrade the memory on their PCs or laptops themselves, to save cash. However, Asus has placed a yellow sticker over the access panel which says “WARRANTY VOID IF REMOVED.” Oops.
Now the Magnuson-Moss Act does not allow what it calls “Tie-In [...]
Luxurious Geek: Stella McCartney Patent Camera Bag
Designers at Armani, Prada, and Gucci aren't the only fashion-forwarded types to realize geek is chic — Stella McCartney has an amazing Losina Patent Camera Bag, that's a real cut above the usual camera tote. The bag measures 11 inches wide by 7 inches (it's also 6 inches deep, so it's perfect for those of us who use an SLR camera) and is covered with silver metal accents. The front of the bag has a hidden slot pocket behind the buckle/belt treatment, with a secure magnetic closure. Stella is a strict vegetarian so the bag is actually fabric covered with a patent finish. It's on sale for $400 (down from $1,235). Hey Santa? Is it too late to add this to my list? I promise I've been a very good girl.
четверг, 13 декабря 2007 г.
Linutop Mini Linux PC Reviewed - Damn Small Linux Hardware
Contributing Writer, RealTechNews
The Linutop is a small Linux PC. Of course, if you think the Mac Mini is small, then perhaps the words, incredibly miniscule are closer to the mark.
Running a customised version of xubuntu Linux, this little box could replace your desktop for most common tasks, including what you’re doing right [...]
Download of the Day: Tinseltown
If you weren't exactly thrilled about the idea of hanging a USB Christmas wreath from your laptop, don't fret, I've got a much less tackier way of getting into the Christmas spirit. Today's download of the day is a Firefox add-on called Tinseltown, a holiday theme that includes Christmas icons, a candy-cane scrollbar, and snowflakes. Tinseltown works on Mac, Windows, and Linux and shouldn't peeve off coworkers like random, USB Christmas trinkets.To learn how to post your favorite sites to the Download of the Day group,
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среда, 12 декабря 2007 г.
Brando USB to SATA/IDE Cable — Reviewed
Contributing Writer, RealTechNews
Brando’s USB 2.0 to SATA/IDE cable allows concurrent connections with SATA or IDE devices over the USB port and I thought it was sheer cabling genius.
The SATA/IDE cable was released recently and Brando has kindly provided a unit for this review.
Read Kevin Cheng’s report here.
What Was Your Favorite Geeky Craft of 2007 ?
Over the past year I've realized that geeks and crafts seem to go hand-in-hand. With so many unique, creative, and unusual geek-inspired craft pieces, it's not easy picking just one favorite! Here are a few of my favorites, including the geek-chic Cross-Stitched Super Mario Bros. Princess, a cozy Tetris quilt, the ultimate Space Invader Sweater, Crocheted Atari, homemade funky iPod case, and the bright-blue Duck Hunt Sweater. Now it's time to decide which one you liked the best! Have you checked out the rest of my best of 2007 polls?
вторник, 11 декабря 2007 г.
GlobalTop Touch G66 GPS 51 channel GPS — Reviewed
Contributing Writer, RealTechNews
Kevin Cheng writes: A few months ago DigitalReviews.net announced the imminent release the innovative GlobalTop Touch G66.
The amazing 51 channel, super slim GPS has just hit the desk of this reviewer with many thanks to GlobalTop.
Read his findings here.
How To: Shop Safely Online This Holiday Season
If you are new to online shopping, or plan to make some last-minute online purchases before Christmas, here are some tips to help you along the way.
- Be sure to check out websites like Retail Me Not to see if you can get any discount codes for online orders.
- Make sure your computer is protected from hackers and potential viruses. Keep all your antivirus software up to date, make sure if you have a WiFi connection that it is password protected, and always download the latest security updates for your software and hard drive.
- Only make purchases from well-known, secure websites. If the site looks sketchy, it probably has sketchy people running it. Follow your gut intuition.
- Ensure your payment goes through a secure page.
Source and Source
понедельник, 10 декабря 2007 г.
Sexy Sky Arrow Tandem Aircraft Reviewed
Contributing Writer, RealTechNews
I recently wrote a Flight Review on the Italian Sky Arrow for AVIATOR (Dec 2007 issue)
Have a look below at the article — sans pictures — as it appeared this month in one of Australia’s foremost aviation magazines.
The Inside on the Italian Job
Ever since I first saw pictures of the sleek [...]
Lights, Camera, Smoke!
You'd think that smoking Christmas lights would be something only Clark Griswold would have to deal with in Christmas Vacation. Guess again! I was totally shocked when TeamSugar told me that her new Micro Lights short-circuited and melted the outlet plug. Yikes! TeamSugar noticed that the lights went out around 5pm, and she could smell melting plastic. When she came back at 11pm, the entire plug had exploded. It's better to be safe than sorry this holiday season. Keep a close eye on your new lights and if worse comes to worse, trade in your real tree for a fiber optic USB Christmas tree, you know, just to be on the safe side!
воскресенье, 9 декабря 2007 г.
Need a Good Holiday Gift? “Reserve a Spot in Heaven” for a Friend!
By Michael Santo
Executive Editor, RealTechNews
Afraid you won’t make it into Heaven? Now you can buy your way in (although I’m sure some have tried this already). This website, ReserveASpotinHeaven.com, says it will guarantee you a spot in Heaven, or your money back.
I’m assuming not that many have noticed this site as there’s no [...]
Would You Use Your Cell Phone as a Boarding Pass?
Continental Airlines has launched a test program in Houston that allows travelers to board flights using their cell phone or personal-digital assistant instead of the usual boarding pass. If it works, the program could expand to airlines and airports nationwide. How will it work? According to USA Today, instead of a traditional pass, Continental Airlines (CAL) and the Transportation Security Administration will let passengers show a code the airline has sent to their cell phone or PDA. Here's more:
The two-dimensional bar code, a jumble of squares and rectangles, stores the passenger's name and flight information. A TSA screener will confirm the bar code's authenticity with a handheld scanner. Passengers still need to show photo identification. The electronic boarding pass also works at airport gates.
I always email myself flight information so I can open up my email on my BlackBerry when I get up to the check-in window, so I love the idea of being able to use my cell as a boarding pass. It means one less step, right?
суббота, 8 декабря 2007 г.
Microsoft Pulls the Kill Switch from Vista
Contributing Writer, RealTechNews
The oft maligned, with reason, WGA, or Windows Genuine Advantage, is being returned to its roots with the release of service pack 1. You will be able to use Windows Vista freely, as it is now, when the timer runs out, your desktop turns black, its icons disappear, [...]
Daily Tech: First Look at Apple's New Meatpacking Store
- Standing three stories tall, and boasting a winding glass staircase, the new Apple store in Manhattan opens its doors at 6pm tonight —cult of mac
- American Airlines to offer Wi-Fi service next year —CrunchGear
- Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg finally makes a public apology about Facebook's Beacon —Shiny Shiny
- There's still hope if you're hoping to score a Wii this holiday season. Check out some useful tips and tricks for Wii shopping — Yahoo! Tech
- Apple may have secretly upped its three only iPhone purchase limit to five — Gizmodo
пятница, 7 декабря 2007 г.
Color Me Happy: Gmail Adds Colored Labels
Executive Editor, RealTechNews
Since I learned of / experienced the slowdowns and issues in the newer version of Gmail (2.0), I switched back to the older version (as you can do in the user interface). This, however, may give me a reason to switch yet again.
Gmail has added colored labels. Now, instead [...]
Geek Tip: How to Block Facebook Beacon
If you love Facebook, but hate their new Beacon feature that collects your online purchasing info, wikiHow has just posted step-by-step instructions that show you how to block Beacon and prevent it from collecting your browsing and buying activities. By installing a Firefox extension called Blocksite and following a few simple steps, your data will remain private, so you don't have to worry about Facebook spying on your every online move.Source
четверг, 6 декабря 2007 г.
Massive Gadget Auction for Charity
Contributing Writer, RealTechNews
Folks: We are putting together a huge Gadget Auction for Charity.
We’re raising money for our favourite charity: Compassion Child Sponsorship.
Check out the following items, most of which we acquired for our reviews.
They include the Logitech Harmony 1000i, a SleepTracker Watch, GPS and much more!
Total value when new: thousands of dollars! You [...]
The On-Off Mug: Love It or Leave It?
Cause everyone needs to know when their coffee mug is on or off, there is now a visual indicating On-Off Mug that reads "off" without liquid and "on" when filled with a warm bevy. A special heat-sensitive pigment will turn the mug from black to white as the temperature increases, so you not only get your morning cuppa joe, but you get a magic show as well. Each mug is dishwasher safe and costs $25. What do you think? Love or leave?
среда, 5 декабря 2007 г.
It’s Official: Google to Bid in Wireless Auction
Executive Editor, RealTechNews
It’s been rumored that Google would bid in the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) upcoming wireless auction in the 700Mhz spectrum since earlier this year, particularly when the gPhone rumors first started to emerge. It seemed a little less likely when the Open Handset Alliance was formed, as Google was [...]
Sundance Camera Tee: Totally Geeky or Geek Chic?
I can't help but love the Sundance Camera Tee ($45). It looks cozy and its design is classic geek chic. Sure it would be a little overkill if you paired it with camera earrings and a camera ring, but alone it's cute and artsy. Do you agree?
вторник, 4 декабря 2007 г.
My Yahoo! Adds Facebook Module … but Where’s Yahoo!’s Own Mash?
Executive Editor, RealTechNews
Facebook is one of the uber-social networking sites, and acknowledging its popularity, My Yahoo! has created a Facebook module that you can add to your page. As the My Yahoo! Product Manager Joseph said in a blog post,
As an avid Facebook user, I’m happy to tell you that My Yahoo! [...]
Sony Ericsson Z310 Phone: Love It or Leave It?
I can't decide whether I'm digging this phone because of my early obsession with Rainbow Brite or Jem and the Holograms, but the giant star and colorful stripes make this gadget absolutely adorable! Designed by fashion designer Ágatha Ruiz de la Prada, the Z310 special edition Sony Ericsson phone was recently launched in Europe by Vodafone. Gizmodiva also reveals that the phone comes with interchangeable face plates and wallpapers designed by "la Prada." Priced around $132. What do you think?
понедельник, 3 декабря 2007 г.
Google Maps Adds Terrain View
By Michael Santo
Executive Editor, RealTechNews
If you had checked out Google Maps yesterday, you’d have seen added something new: Terrain View. Check the above image, or go here to play with it in the SF Bay Area.
But where’s Hybrid View? It’s still there, but hidden. Click on the Satellite View button, and you’ll get [...]
Facebook Makes Changes to Beacon!
After a week of Facebook tracking our online purchases with an advertising program called Beacon, a petition was sparked by MoveOn.org which stated: "Sites like Facebook must respect my privacy. They should not tell my friends what I buy on other sites--or let companies use my name to endorse their products--without my explicit permission."
Over 50,000 Facebook users signed the petition and on Thursday, Facebook released a statement outlining changes to Beacon, although it still manages to lack an easy way to avoid participating. You may not be able to opt out of Beacon completely, but your purchases won't be published without your "proactive consent," says Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook. It will be interesting to see these changes in action and if Facebook follows through with their promises.
воскресенье, 2 декабря 2007 г.
Tool Logic SL Survival Knife Reviewed
Contributing Writer, RealTechNews
Not long ago Digital Reviews Network took some time out from playing with technology to check out some gadgets for the great outdoors.
With many thanks to Tool Logic, we can now bring you a review of the Tool Logic SL Series. They include a unique fire starter insert.
Looking for a great [...]
What's the Worst Tech Disaster You've Ever Suffered?
Recently a quarry worker in South Korea was found dead with a melted phone battery in his shirt pocket. He also had a broken spine and ribs as well as heart and lung injuries, but his death was initially blamed on an exploding cell phone battery.
Predictably, the National Institute of Scientific Investigation found that the injuries the man suffered were too substantial to have been caused by a battery explosion, but the fact that they could have been responsible for the man's death got me thinking.
I've honestly never suffered a major tech disaster, so I am always a little shocked when I hear news of iPods catching on fire in people's pants or exploding laptops. It's scary because we assume our devices are safe and tested so we don't expect anything dangerous to happen to us while using them.
суббота, 1 декабря 2007 г.
T-Mobile’s ‘Unlocked’ iPhones ‘Freed’ via iTunes
Executive Editor, RealTechNews
You’ll recall Vodafone’s court case against T-Mobile’s iPhone exclusivity in Germany … and the subsequent response by T-Mobile (unlocked iPhones, for a mere $1478). You’re probably also aware of how many hoops have to be jumped through for hackers to unlock or jailbreak their iPhones. Apparently, if you’re connected [...]
Daily Tech Round Up — Vaja Introduces Crystal 2 For the iPhone
- Vaja bedazzles the iPhone holster and creates the elegant Crystal 2 — Shiny Shiny
- How do you feel about Flickr? Do you love it or hate it? — Crave
- Learn how to make your own FedEx laptop sleeve — Apartment Therapy
- The FTC fines the Free iPod advertiser $650,000 — Switched
- Every episode of South Park ever to be put online for free next year — Gizmodo
- Did you know that we're giving away a new Zac Posen clutch and Samsung cell phone? Just comment to win! — geeksugar