понедельник, 12 ноября 2007 г.

Weekly Recap: Google, Gossip Girl and Geekery

  • I was checking out the Gossip Girl website in preparation for Wednesday's episode, and I realized it's all decked out with gadgets and gizmos from the show. Seriously, have you ever seen so much product placement?

  • How low would you go for your cell...literally?! A woman decided she just couldn't bear the idea of parting with her phone, even if it meant taking a head first dive into an outhouse—pee eww!

  • Earlier this week a New York City man saw the woman of his dreams on the subway and went home and created the aptly named NY Girl of My Dreams webpage. It might be the cutest thing I've ever seen.

  • There's a stereotype that geeks survive on caffeinated candy, soda and even soap, so it's no shocker that Thinkgeek is selling a Caffeine Molecule Necklace. My question: Is it geek chic?

  • Did you watch Oprah on Tuesday to check out the official launching of her own YouTube channel? Oprah talked about the Flip Ultra Video Cam, which you know I've been loving for months.

  • A friend of mine spotted this Ceci N'est Pas Une Pipe Tee shirt on the street recently, prompting the question: Have you been studying art as closely as you've been studying gaming cheat sheets?

  • I caught up with Crunchgear freelance writer Peter Ha and exposed his geek chic side in an interview!

  • Google quelled rumors of a Gphone and announced an Open Handset Alliance and Android, an open platform for cell phones that includes an operating system, user-interface and applications.

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