пятница, 29 февраля 2008 г.
Microsoft Drops External HD-DVD Drive for Xbox 360
Editor-in-Chief, RealTechNews
Took ‘em long enough. They didn’t file a press release, but Microsoft did use its Gamerscore blog, which it says is the “inside scoop from Microsoft Xbox and Games employees.” Saturday Microsoft announced they would halt production of HD-DVD drives for the Xbox 360.
John Porcaro, Sr. Group Manager in Microsoft’s Global [...]
Daily Tech: 1,420 LEDs Make Up Philips' "Imagination Wall"
- The Philips 14-by-6-foot Imagination Light Canvas is being shown at the Mercy Medical Center in Rogers, Ark. — Engadget
- Sick of outrageous phone bills each month? Switched has compiled a list of the top five ways to lower yours. — Switched
- Apple confirms that the Time Capsules have shipped. — Gizmodo
- Check out the first sneak peek at The Spiderwick Chronicles for Xbox 360. — CrunchGear
- With all the latest refurbs and upgrades with Apple products, there are a ton of bargains in the store and on the website. — Unplggd
четверг, 28 февраля 2008 г.
Recap of Last Week’s Features on Gizmos for Geeks
Contributing Writer, RealTechNews.
Most notable this past week was the release of the latest Mvix Media Center, the Mvix MX-780HD. The MX-780HD has HDMI out, supports up to 1080p and can now take either an IDE or SATA drive in its case. Still in the multi-media world, the Kaossilator Touchpad Synthesizer [...]
среда, 27 февраля 2008 г.
Website of The Day: KEXP
I am not only in love with all things geeky, but all things related to music as well. Thankfully we live in a time where we have access to more cool music, more often with sites like Pandora and Mercora making it super easy to get new music into those earbuds. If you have access to the internet (duh) and either Windows Media, Real Player, or iTunes then you're all set to feast your ears on the musical stylings of kexp.org.
Why else do I love it? Just
read more
Glitch Changes “Tickle Me, Elmo” to “Threaten Me, Elmo”
Executive Editor, RealTechNews
Rather than “Tickle Me, Elmo,” what we have here is “Threaten Me, Elmo.” At least, according to a Tampa Bay, Florida mother.
Melissa Bowman says that since changing the batteries in the Elmo toy which is her 2-year-old son’s favorite, the doll has been making death threats, saying “Kill James.”
Melissa says [...]
вторник, 26 февраля 2008 г.
Daily Tech: Red PSP to Debut With God of War Game Bundle
- A limited-edition red God of War themed PlayStation Portable package will be hitting stores this June. — Kotaku
- Pakistan has decided to lift the YouTube ban. — Valleywag
- The Everex Cloudbook has been spotted on Wal-Mart's website for $399. — CrunchGear
- Goldstriker tranforms an Armani-Samsung P520 into a gold and platinum masterpiece. — Shiny Shiny
- The iPhone 1.1.4 update is out, just don't download if your phone is jailbroken or unlocked. — Gizmodo
- Log in and take the Centro quiz to win a sleek white GSM quad-band Centro by Palm! — geeksugar
Wii Virtual Console to Get Commodore 64 Games
Executive Editor, RealTechNews
The Commodore 64 is legendary, and just last year celebrated its 25th anniversary. Its still amazingly popular, with sites continuing to be devoted to it. And now owners of the Nintendo Wii will be able to play classic games of that era via the Wii Virtual Console.
The catch: only [...]
понедельник, 25 февраля 2008 г.
Tetris Ice Cube Trays: Love It or Leave It?
My first thought when I saw these Tetris ice cube trays was — do I have glasses big enough to play Tetris with my ice cubes? Dubbed Tetrice by Martin Zampach, these are a little more fleshed out than the Instructables version that yumsugar featured, but it's only a concept for now. Lets see, you could play a really freaking cold and low-tech version of the game, or pop 'em in a pitcher of drinks for your geeky guests, but I don't know that I'd buy these when I know I can make them. What do you think?
Microsoft Halts Distribution of Troublesome Vista SP1 Prerequisite
Executive Editor, RealTechNews
You may recall I wrote earlier about the troubles people were having with the prequisite updates that Microsoft said were required in order to get Windows Vista SP1 in March. In a “mea culpa” moment, Microsoft has stopped distribution of the update that seems to be at the heart of [...]
четверг, 21 февраля 2008 г.
Daily Tech: Sony's New M-Series LCD TVs Offer Mix 'n' Match Colored Frames
- Sony has updated its Bravias with two M-Series LCD TVs that you can get with various rainbow-colored frames. — Gizmodo
- Switched lists 10 of the dumbest USB computer accessories ever made. Too funny! — Switched
- If you like the MacBook Air but are bummed out about how it lacks certain features, check out a list of other high-end ultraportable laptops that may do the trick. — Crave
- Starting next Monday, San Francisco commuters may get to take a ride on the new "Connected Bus," a new bus featuring free WiFi and touchscreen map walls. — Engadget
- Log in and take the Centro quiz to win a sleek white GSM quad-band Centro by Palm! — geeksugar
Toshiba Confirms Withdrawal from HD-DVD
Executive Editor, RealTechNews
With the announcement yesterday that Wal-Mart was dropping HD-DVD, this announcement was inevitable. When the world’s largest retailer drops your product, it’s time to cut your losses and get out.
It had already been rumored a few days ago that Toshiba was planning to get out, but it seems that now [...]
среда, 20 февраля 2008 г.
Daily Tech: Unlimited Phone Plans Get Broken Down
- After yesterday's announcement of Verizon offering unlimited access plans, every other major provider has jumped on board. Compare as you dare! — Gizmodo
- The Wii Fit is said to be making its way to US store shelves by May 19. — CrunchGear
- Stuck with HD DVDs? Wired explains how to convert your HD DVDs to Blu-Ray. — Wired
- The Deli Touch pen allows you to order food without having to speak with anyone. — Popgadget
- Log in and take the Centro quiz to win a sleek white GSM quad-band Centro by Palm! — geeksugar
Bleeding Edge TV 256: Retrevo’s Gadget Comparison site
Retrevo.com presents a unique take on gadget comparison shopping. By spidering a veritable avalanche of shopping comparison sites, they compile a near-comprehensive snapshot of just about every gadget they can, including feature sets, average reviews and price points. They plot these into neat regression charts that outline a given gadgets “value” as determined by its [...]
вторник, 19 февраля 2008 г.
Daily Tech: Dell Inspiron 1525 Gets Ubuntu Linux
- Dell has just added the Inspiron 1525 to their Ubuntu 7.10 lineup and it is set to arrive in the US later this month. — Gizmodo
- Is it true? Is there finally a way to completely delete your Facebook profile? — The New York Times
- The best PSPhone mock-up design has been unveiled, and it looks glorious. — Kotaku
- The cute, little green-and-white OLPC laptop was actually spotted in the hands of someone riding the subway in NYC. — Consumerist
- Apple has cut the price of the shuffle from $79 to $49 for the 1GB model. Stay tuned for a 2GB model, which is set to be available later this month for $69. — CrunchGear
- Seven Mary Three's Jason Ross talks tech with AOL's Switched. — Switched
Wal-Mart to Drop HD-DVD
Executive Editor, RealTechNews
Worse than anything else this week, perhaps worse than any news since Warner Bros. dropped HD-DVD just prior to CES … the world’s largest retailer has announced it is dropping HD-DVD.
A buyer in Wal-Mart’s video division wrote this morning on the Wal-Mart Checkout blog that the retail giant had made the [...]
понедельник, 18 февраля 2008 г.
Daily Tech: Rock Band Drops $20 at Target
- From Feb. 17-23, Target will be offering the PS3 and 360 versions of the special-edition Rock Band bundle for only $149. ??? Joystiq
- Alaska Airlines has decided to make the switch from ticket counters to touch screens. ??? The Gadgets Weblog
- Rumor has it that the iPod Touch and iPhone may be taking a $100 price drop within the next two months. ??? CrunchGear
- Toshiba has decided to pull the plug on HD DVD, practically ending the Blu-ray-HD DVD rival once and for all. ??? Crave
- Starting today, the biggest mobile companies will be closing down their analog networks. ??? Engadget
Netflix Streaming to PS3, Xbox 360 Teased?
Executive Editor, RealTechNews
Generally when presented with an opportunity to take a survey, I decline. This one might just have caught my attention.
It’s certainly not a done deal; it’s just a survey asking customers how they would feel, but Netflix, according to reports, is testing the waters to determine if customers would be [...]
воскресенье, 17 февраля 2008 г.
A Power Bug Swatter Andy Roddick Could Love
Full disclosure: A huge reason I love living in a city is to avoid bugs (with the exception of electronic ladybugs). I love nature and the environment and blah blah blah but I have ALWAYS hated bugs and I'm not going to change. So when I see an actual bug in my apartment, flying or crawling and adamantly where it is not supposed to be, I freak the hell out.
I'm also ill-equipped ??? since there are very few bugs around, I don't have any stinky bug sprays or fly swatters. I usually end up giving just giving them a mild headache with an issue of Us Weekly, So I'm totally kickin' down for this Power Bug Swatter, or as I like to think of it, Tennis Racket Bug Zapper.
I cannot wait to take aim at flies with this thing, zap 'em, and perfect my tennis swing at the same time. My apology to PetSugar if this qualifies as animal cruelty.
First Lawsuit Filed Over Yahoo! Rejection of Microsoft Bid
By Michael Santo
Executive Editor, RealTechNews
Well, now we know how strongly shareholders feel about Yahoo! turning down Microsoft. The first lawsuit over the Yahoo! rejection of the Microsoft bid has been filed.
The Wayne County Employee’s Retirement System of Michigan was the first to file suit. The retirement fund owns 13,600 shares. The [...]
суббота, 16 февраля 2008 г.
The LG Rumor Becomes Available to Alltel as the 'Scoop'
A couple of weeks ago, I gave you a sneak preview of the LG Scoop, which recently made the switch from Sprint to Alltel Wireless. After seeing this close-up shot on
Electronista, I've decided that it's going to be a popular little handset. With a slide-out QWERTY keyboard, a 1.3-megapixel camera, bluetooth and Alltel’s Axcess Voice2TXT, this phone is going to get "scooped-up" fast (hee hee) with so many great features. It also comes in other colors like orange and black, but this blue is really calling my name.
Microsoft Responds to Yahoo’s Rejection
By Michael Santo
Executive Editor, RealTechNews
As you’re probably aware, Yahoo! officially rejected Microsoft’s unsolicited bid this morning. Microsoft has already fired back, via a press release. My guess is they probably had this all prepared and ready to go over the weekend.
Like a spurned lover, Microsoft doesn’t sound too happy.
The press release says:
It is [...]
пятница, 15 февраля 2008 г.
Match the Celeb With the Cell Phone
This young starlet sure knows how to accessorize! At least she still manages to show a bit of class amongst all her jewels with her chic BlackBerry. Any idea who it is? Take a wild guess below!
Starbucks Signs Deal with AT&T for Wi-Fi, Dumps T-Mobile
Executive Editor, RealTechNews
Today Starbucks and AT&T announced a deal which will bring AT&T wireless service to Starbucks outlets across the company - while (unsaid) at the same time tossing T-Mobile wi-fi to the curb. I certainly didn’t see this one coming.
T-Mobile and Starbucks had been partnered for six years.
In the press release, [...]
четверг, 14 февраля 2008 г.
Daily Tech: Some Last-Minute Ideas to Surprise Your Geeky Valentine!
- Time is running out! Check out some great last minute V-Day gift suggestions. — Unplggd
- Google releases a new Android SDK with new apps, a new skin, and better functionality. — Engadget
- Dan Evans shows off three products that are sure to make your Valentine's Day a little freakier. — PC Mag
- Borders introduces digital centers to its retail stores, a place where you can download music or books, burn CDs, and print pictures. — USA Today
- To celebrate gamer love today, Kotaku has created a list of the top five video game love stories. — Kotaku
Brando Mini Nova Bluetooth Dongle –Reviewed
Contributing Writer, RealTechNews
The Brando mini NOVA bluetooth adapter must rank as one of the tiniest bluetooth dongles on the market, but does tiny form factor means reduced performance?
Read Kevin Cheng’s review here.
среда, 13 февраля 2008 г.
Daily Tech: Nokia Introduces the Enviro-Friendly "Remade"
- Nokia is trying to keep up with the times and, in doing so, has created a cell phone made entirely from recycled materials. — Engadget
- Lily Allen gets a free MacBook Air and decides to blog about it. — Shiny Shiny
- Mozilla has just released its latest upgrade for Firefox, Firefox 3 Beta 3, which comes with a slew of new upgrades. — Lifehacker
- CNN's morning producer Chez Pazienza was fired yesterday for what he wrote in his personal blog. No surprises there! — Valleywag
- Watch DVDs on your iPod, iPhone, PSP, etc. with HandBrake, an open-source utility. — Crave
- TeamSugar user macgirl informs us that Apple is now offering recycling programs for computers, iPods, and cellphones. — Technology and Gadgets Channel
Yahoo! Board to Reject Microsoft Offer: Source
By Michael Santo
Executive Editor, RealTechNews
A source has told the Wall Street Journal (sub. req.) that the Yahoo! Board of Directors, which held an emergency meeting Friday, plans to reject the unsolicited Microsoft offer as it “massively undervalues” Yahoo!
Of course, while the board has been mulling this offer, the bid has gone down significantly, with Microsoft [...]
вторник, 12 февраля 2008 г.
Daily Tech: The Kindle Is Alive and Doing Well
- Now this certainly isn't an image you see everyday. The Kindle was actually spotted in the hands of a girl in the New York subway. — Valleywag
- Valentine's Day is said to be the most popular holiday for text messaging, with a thirty-three percent spike in texting traffic. — Gizmodo
- For those of you who have tons of remotes covering your coffee table, check out some neat ways to store and display them. — Unplggd
- T-Mobile is already promising 3G by summer, and an Android phone and Austrian iPhone by end of year. — Crave
- George Hotz, the first kid to unlock the iPhone is back, unlocking the iPhone yet again. — CrunchGear
- LAST DAY! Log in and take the Centro quiz to win a pretty-in-pink Centro by Palm! — geeksugar
The End of an Era: Polaroid Drops Self-Developing Film
Contributing Writer, RealTechNews
You heard that right: Polaroid is dropping the product that made it famous. According to CNN, Polaroid is closing its remaining factories that produce self-developing film for its cameras (which have already gone out of production). Polaroid is also laying off a significant number of workers in order to [...]
понедельник, 11 февраля 2008 г.
Daily Tech: So Long Polaroid Cameras, So Long
- It had to happen at some point. Polaroid photos are being replaced by digital images, forcing Polaroid to close the rest of their production plants. — CrunchGear
- Remember the adorable Valentine's Day Zunes? Well, word on the street is that Microsoft may not be able to fulfill all of its orders. So not cool. — Engadget
- Ever notice how hard it is to break free from the Facebook chains? Once you sign up, you are basically a member for life. — The New York Times
- Hundreds of internet users stepped out in front of the New York City Church of Scientology yesterday to protest the Church and the organization's policies. — Crave
- Log in and take the Centro quiz to win a pretty-in-pink Centro by Palm! — geeksugar
Recap: Last Week’s Gadgets from Gizmos for Geeks
Contributing Writer, RealTechNews.
Here are the coolest gadgets featured this past week on Gizmos for Geeks. First up is the Swimmer’s Ear Eliminator. It keeps moisture from becoming trapped in your outer ear canal. No more swimmer’s ear discomfort and keeps you free from possible infections as well.
How about a toy [...]
воскресенье, 10 февраля 2008 г.
Lost's Fake and Freaky Gadget!
When a new gadget shows up on Lost, odds are that its presence is dubious at best. Those touchscreen satellite phones by the new other Others, Other-controlled ultrasound machines — if technology shows up on this island, you have good reason to be freaked out by it. I'm already scared of who the new foursome with those iPhone-lookalikes are contacting, and I think I have good reason to be: One of them is a ghostbuster! New character Miles has one of the scariest backstories in Lost history — he's some kind of a ghost-whisperer! Apparently spirit hunters like Miles need more than just their mind control though. He busted out this wacky ghost-busting gadget in a scene illustrating his talents:Is anyone else thinking what I am? That this looks freakishly like the Dirt Devil I kept in my car in high school?!
Bleeding Edge TV 255: Mustek MMP 240 and 250 PMPs
Click to Play
So you already have a phone, but you’d still like a gadget to surf the Internet, view photos, listen to your MP3s and watch your MP4s. While not an iPhone, Musteks MMP 240 (and MMP 250) will do the job. With a 2.4 and 2.5 [...]
Trees, Shade and Solar Panels = a Possible Crime
Executive Editor, RealTechNews
Considering solar panels? How is your relationship with your neighbors? You might want to look around you and see if any neighbors have trees which may in the future shade your planned panel locations. Technically, if they eventually do, it will be a crime.
Richard Treanor and neighbor Mark [...]
Unboxing Live 031: MacBook Air SuperDrive
Yesterday we hit you with our MacBook Air unboxing video, giving you a look at the SSD version of the notebook. Today, we bring you our unboxing video and demonstration of the MacBook Air SuperDrive.
Unboxing Live 030: MacBook Air
The MacBook Air is the latest gem of a notebook from the Apple folks. Aimed at those who need something super portable (or, ultra-portable), the Air features a 13-inch LED backlit screen, a full-sized backlit keyboard, and it weighs just three pounds. We unbox the MacBook Air in this episode of Unboxing Live!
Unboxing Live 030: MacBook Air
The MacBook Air is the latest gem of a notebook from the Apple folks. Aimed at those who need something super portable (or, ultra-portable), the Air features a 13-inch LED backlit screen, a full-sized backlit keyboard, and it weighs just three pounds. We unbox the MacBook Air in this episode of Unboxing Live!
modu’s Modular Cell Phone: Some Assembly Required
By Michael Santo
Executive Editor, RealTechNews
How would you like a cell phone that has a business-like QWERTY keyboard when you want it to, or a 12-key at other times, or can even be slipped into some future Kindle-type device as its cellular guts? That’s the basic premise behind Israeli startup modu’s new modular cell [...]
Microsoft, Google, Verisign, Yahoo! and IBM Join OpenID’s Board
Executive Editor, RealTechNews
Now we’re talking about serious respectability. The OpenID Foundation now has some major new backers, with Microsoft, Google, Verisign, Yahoo! and IBM all joining the Foundation as its first corporate board members.
As more and more sites and companies sign up to support OpenID, the addition of corporate members shouldn’t come [...]
Bleeding Edge TV 254: Horizon Fuel Cell technology
Click to Play
While not the fuel cell battery replacement for gadgets we keep hearing about, Horizon is promising some very cool technology nonetheless: portable, enviromentally friendly power on demand - just add water! Their portable generator technology is aimed at disaster relief, outdoor, and developing countries. Check [...]
суббота, 9 февраля 2008 г.
Get Bouncing Bravia Bunnies on Your Cell Phone
What better way to count down to Spring and Easter then by having the Sony Bravia Bunnies hop across your cell phone?! Extending from the recent Bravia "Play-Doh" ad, Sony has designed a new moving animation screensaver of their Play-Doh bunnies available for download on your phone. To get the screensaver, download the video to your desktop and transfer the video to your phone via a USB cord. I can honestly say my phone is a virgin to screensavers, but I must admit that this one is so cute, I just have to test it out!
To see the bunnies in action,
read more
Apple Unveils 16GB iPhone, 32GB iPod Touch
Executive Editor, RealTechNews
Available immediately, Apple has announced new models of the iPhone (16GB) and iPod Touch (32GB). Ever since the 16GB iPod Touch was announced in September we all knew it was only a matter of time until Apple slapped that 16GB into its larger brother. At the same time we get a [...]
пятница, 8 февраля 2008 г.
Daily Tech: Google Android Prototype to Make Rare Appearance at Mobile World Congress
- By the sound of it, we're going to get a first glimpse of the prototype Google Android phone at Mobile World Congress next week. — Gizmodo
- Can it be? Ex-Disney CEO Michael Eisner says the writers' strike is finally over. — CrunchGear
- Worried about cell phone texting privacy? Learn a few tips to keep yourself protected. — Yahoo! Tech
- Forget standard endoscopes, humans will soon be testing out reusable camera pills, which are said to cost around $300. — CNN Tech
- Log in and take the Centro quiz to win a pretty-in-pink Centro by Palm! — geeksugar
NASA to Beam the Beatles “Across the Universe”
Executive Editor, RealTechNews
At 7 PM EST on Feb. 4, NASA is going to celebrate five different anniversaries by beaming the Beatles’ song “Across the Universe” into deep space.
Monday will mark the 40th anniversary of the day the song was recorded. Also celebrated will be the anniversaries (this year) of NASA’s founding, the [...]
четверг, 7 февраля 2008 г.
Download of the Day: Songbeat
I honestly will never get tired of new downloads, websites, and applications for digital music (especially free ones) because music is my constant companion to my all-day computer sessions and keeps me sane. Or somewhat sane.
Anyway, Songbeat is an application that lets you download or stream any previously played music from Seeqpod (and I assume, most other streaming-music hosting sites). For now, it's only available for Windows, but will be available for OS X "soon," so fingers are crossed. Enjoy, Windows users!
More Dangers of Smoking: “Super Smash Bros. Brawl” Problems
By Michael Santo
Executive Editor, RealTechNews
This is why it’s sometimes good when Japan gets the first releases: the bugs get worked out there first. There have been reports of some having problems playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl on the Nintendo Wii, with errors on boot and sluggish video playback.
Nintendo has decided that the issue is [...]
среда, 6 февраля 2008 г.
Daily Tech: Sony Unveils Teeny New XDV-D500 TV
- Another new pocket-friendly gadget, Sony's new XDV-D500 features a 3-inch screen and a 432 x 240 pixel resolution display and has a battery life of eight hours. — Engadget
- Wondering who Silicon Valley is rooting for in the elections? Microsoft is supporting Hillary, while Google and Yahoo are for Barack Obama. — Wired
- Sprint launches an unlimited access plan, which is available now and costs $119 before taxes. — Boy Genius Report
- Apple's new iPhone ad includes a rare appearance by Facebook. Talk about prime marketing real estate! — Valleywag
- Apple co-founder founders Steve Wozniak creates a brief how-to video explaining the basics of playing Segway Polo. — Cult of Mac
- Log in and take the Centro quiz to win a pretty in pink Centro by Palm! — geeksugar
Intelius Shuts Down Controversial Cell Phone Directory
Executive Editor, RealTechNews
Only a few months after launching an online cell phone directory with over 90 million numbers, Intelius has shut it down, following an outcry from both the wireless industry as well as consumers.
In a press release, Liz Murray, Communications Manager at Intelius said:
“As a company, we have strived to be [...]
вторник, 5 февраля 2008 г.
Daily Tech: Apple Adds a 32GB iPod Touch to Its Lineup
- The Apple site was down last night . . . Why? Because Apple unveiled a 16GB iPhone and 32GB iPod Touch this morning. Both cost $499. — CrunchGear
- Googlers get stranded at the airport while on their way to Disneyland for a company trip. — Valleywag
- Considering buying a new laptop? Here are five things to keep in mind when laptop shopping. — Switched
- Presidential candidates reveal whether they are PC or Mac users. — Yahoo!
- Is Motorola's new teaser video giving us clues about its upcoming Z12 media phone? — Ubergizmo
- Log in and take the Centro by Palm quiz to win a pretty in pink Centro Smartphone! — geeksugar
Dell to Cut 1,200 Jobs
Executive Editor, RealTechNews
Not a good week to be employed in tech. First Yahoo!, now Dell.
Dell Inc. is cutting more than 1,200 jobs, about 900 of them at a call center in Canada, as the computer maker reduces its sales and support work force.
It’s one of the biggest rounds of layoffs at Dell [...]
понедельник, 4 февраля 2008 г.
Daily Tech: Is Hillary a PC and Barack a Mac?
- Have you noticed how Hillary Clinton's campaign website boasts traditional PC features while presidential candidate Barack Obama's website is much more Mac oriented?! — The New York Times
- The Skype plugin for the Apple TV is now available. . .Allowing you to obtain your contact list, set preferences and make calls. — CrunchGear
- Angelina Jolie admits that she's not very tech savvy. — Techie Diva
- The top ten most memorable tech Super Bowl ads. — Valleywag
- LG announces its latest slider phone, the KF510, which is set to launch February 11th in Barcelona. — Engadget
Microsoft Offers $44.6B for Yahoo!
By Michael Santo
Executive Editor, RealTechNews
This sort of deal has been rumored for some time, but now it’s reality - or at least the offer is. Microsoft has made a proposal to Yahoo!, offering $31 / share, or $44.6B, to acquire the company. This would be a 62% premium over yesterday’s closing price. The [...]
воскресенье, 3 февраля 2008 г.
The Week in Geek
Amazon.com Buys Audible
Executive Editor, RealTechNews
On Thursday, Amazon.com announced it has reached an agreement to buy Audible, which if you haven’t already “heard,” is the leading audiobook reseller. The deal is valued at $300 million, which is a 20% premium over Wednesday’s closing price for Audible (ADBL).
In a press release, Steve Kessel, Amazon.com’s senior vice [...]
суббота, 2 февраля 2008 г.
Netscape Gets a One Month Stay of Execution
Executive Editor, RealTechNews
In late December AOL indicated it would end support for Netscape on February 1st, but it’s now extended that date to March 1st. If you check the announcement blurb at the top of their webpage, you’ll see it’s changed to March 1st, although the informational post still says February 1st.
There [...]
пятница, 1 февраля 2008 г.
The Eco Button Reminds You to Power Down Your Computer
This big green Eco Button may look like it could potentially save the world one tap at a time, but it's actually just a fancy way of reminding you to put your computer in energy-saving "ecomode."
The Eco Button connects to your computer via a USB cable and whenever you step away from your desk to take a call or head out for lunch, you simply press the button and it puts your computer into energy-saving mode while it's idle. Because the button is illuminated and simple to use, the company is hoping that people will use it rather than navigating to the energy-saving mode in their menu bar. . . .Therefore reducing your carbon footprint and your energy bills. You'll also get to see how much power and money you're saving with an included software program. Now let's hope they come out with one I can put in the bathroom to remind my boyfriend to turn the water off!
How Do ISP’s Make Money from Music?
Contributing Writer, RealTechNews
I just finished reading this article from Reuters that talked about U2’s manager taking ISP’s to task for not ending illegal music downloads and protecting the musicians, i.e., his cash cow. He goes on to say that the government helped the ISP’s create a “thieves’ charter” and [...]